Join us on Sunday mornings!    9:00 // 10:30

Real hope is found in Jesus.

Office is closed today, along with all activities/ministries

Enjoy some hot chocolate and make a snowman!

"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"

- John Evans

"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"

- Greg Smith

Sunday Mornings
9:00 / 10:30

Join us each Sunday morning at Hope Community to celebrate the good news of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!

Every week, we:
  • Sing and worship Jesus
  • Remember the hope of Jesus in communion
  • Pray together
  • Learn from complete books of the Bible 
  • Provide Gospel centered kids church (6 months - 5th grade) 
  • Hope Youth Sundays (6th - 12th grade) at the 10:30am service


Community Groups are the heart of Hope Community.

Groups meet weekly in homes for the purpose of engaging in genuine and loving community, building our relationship with Jesus and loving our neighbors with the gospel.

It is where we find, enjoy, and share hope in Jesus together.  


Every Sunday, we preach through books of the Bible. Every word in the Bible is true and needed for us today. We aim to learn what God's Word says and how we can apply that to our lives.

We also provide consistent Gospel video devotionals. Watch now!

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